Provided by FairCode B.V.
XPrivacyLua is a successor of XPrivacy.
See here for all details, including installation instructions and download links.
If you value your privacy, please consider to support this project with a donation or by purchasing pro features.
XPrivacyLua is no longer supported as of January 5, 2023.
Even though XPrivacyLua is no longer supported, you can still get and activate the pro features.
This web page will open if you try to use the pro features while they are not yet activated.
Please see here for a description of the pro features.
You cannot use an XPrivacy pro license to get the XPrivacyLua pro features, please see here about why not.
Please see here why the pro companion app is no longer available in the Play Store.
You can get all current and future XPrivacyLua pro features (including updates) without Google Play services by a one time donation of € 0.10 or more. If you donate 7 euros or more, you can activate the pro features on all the devices you personally own, else you can activate the pro features one time only.
By donating, some data will be processed and stored, please see the privacy notice (imprint) for which data, for what purposes and what your rights are.
Please note that the Play Store rules do not allow the use of a Play Store purchase outside the Play Store, and the pro features of the Play store version can only be activated with a Play Store purchase.
Instructions about how to activate the pro features will be automatically sent to your (PayPal) email address. Please make sure it is correct!
To support the project with a recurrent donation, please click here.
PayPal donations are not possible from some countries, in these cases you can send money directly to Please mention 'XPrivacyLua' in the remark field.
Bank: N26 GmbH
IBAN: DE31 1001 1001 2620 6925 85
Country of bank: Germany (address)
Account holder: Marcel Bokhorst
Address: Van Doesburg-Erf 194, 3315 RG Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Remark: XPrivacyLua
After a bank transfer, please contact me for instructions.
Interac e-Transfers are not supported, because European banks do not support them.
The Lightning Network is not supported.
After a Bitcoin transaction, please contact me for instructions.
Due to cost and low volumes, it isn't feasible to support other donation options, including other crypto currencies.
Privacy is my policy: I will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, give out or sell privacy sensitive information to anyone, unless required by law.
Copyright © 2017–2025 M. Bokhorst